iPhone/iPad Photography
Course Description
iPhone/iPad Photography
Taking, editing and storing your photos from your iPhone or iPad is easy; once you know the basics. Learn to take better photographs, enhance them in the Apple® Photos app, and store them in iCloud for use across all your mobile devices and Mac or PC computers. Whether you’re a seasoned photography pro or a new iPhone or iPad user you’ll find this class an enlightening and fun way to get up and running to create perfect pictures.
Sessions: 8 two-hour weekly class periods for a total of 16 hours
Course Requirements
Text: There is no text required for this course
Prerequisites: Either iPhone 101 or iPad 101, and iPhone/iPad 201, or equivalent experience
Intro to the Camera App and Taking Photos
Focus, Exposure, and Composition Basics
Intro to the Photos App
Editing Photos
Intro to iCloud Photo Library
Sharing Photos with others
Your first photos: Select a single subject (any subject will work be it a person, place, or thing) and take 3 pictures. You may select different angles, camera lenses, or shooting/lighting modes, or whatever you wish. Select a subject that you have easy access to so that we can repeat the assignment at the end of the course so that we may compare your results during our final class period.
Rule of Thirds: Select a single subject and take pictures with the subject in the center of the frame and then following the Rule of Thirds with a photograph with the subject aligned at the intersection at each of the Rule of Thirds grid lines. You will end up with a total of 5 photographs. Here is a link to a web site that may help you in completing this assignment. https://photutorial.com/rule-of-thirds/
Shooting and Lighting Modes: Select a single subject and take photographs with each of the still image shooting modes (Photo, Portrait, and Pano). If you have Portrait Mode shoot multiple picture with the different Lighting Modes as well as experiment with the Exposure and Depth Adjustments taking pictures representing the different adjustments and their effect on your photograph.
Leader Lines, Golden Hours, and Live Picture: Take 5 pictures incorporating leader lines as a compositional technique in each photo. Also take 3 photos using Live Picture. Concentrate on taking pictures that will exemplify the effects (Loop, Bounce, and Long Exposure) as we discussed in class so that you can apply them to a Live Picture later when we cover the Photos app. You will not need to apply the effects for this assignment but these photos will be used later in the course when you will learn how to apply the effects.
Five Photos, HDR, & Live Picture: Present five of your best photos. Each photo should contain a unique and clearly defined subject (a different subject in each photo), and use a combination of compositional techniques in each photo to help you express a story as well as possible. Take 3 examples of photos where the scene would benefit from using HDR. Shoot each scene with and without HDR so that we may compare the results in class. Lastly, apply each of the Live Picture Effects to the Live Pictures you took in assignment 4.
Repeat assignment #1. Complete assignment again but this time using all the compositional tools you've learned in this course. Be prepared to show each photo in class.
NOTE! Remember think about all the compositional techniques we discussed so far and apply them to help create the strongest compositions possible in each assignment.
Course Files
Note 6/25/21 — I've added a couple new links in the Useful Photography Links below with additional information covering Portrait Mode and Portrait Lighting effects in the Links section below.